

Rat Biology & Information


There are 2 important species of rats of concern in our area. The Roof rat and the Norway rat. Both rats are considered medium in size, weighing 9 to 12 ounces and approximately 10 inches in length with naked or scaly tails. Their coat color can range from black, brown, grey or mixes of all 3. Both rats have small ears and blunt noses. Rats can become sexually reproductive within 5 weeks of birth. Pregnancy lasts approximately 21 days and each litter can yield 7-14 babies.

Black or Roof Rats prefer to nest in higher sections of building, walls voids, trees, etc. Excellent climbers.

Brown rats or Norway rats prefer to nest closer to the ground or water areas.

Rats in general are omnivores and considered “commensal” which means they live along side of humans and they benefit from our waste. Rats and their fleas were the primary carriers of the bubonic plague which wiped out as much as one third of the human population in all of Europe (estimated at more than 40 million people). The bubonic plague still exists today. There were 9 documented cases in the US in 2015.

Rats are highly intelligent and several different methods will often be used on conjunction to solve an infestation. Openings larger than a quarter should be sealed with chew-proof materials. Bagging trash and placing inside enclosed containers is paramount to restricting their food sources. Trapping can be tricky since rats are very cautious about new objects in their home ranges but can be highly effective if done properly. Baiting can also be successful if introduced slowly and correctly.

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Rat Biology & Information


There are 2 important species of rats of concern in our area. The Roof rat and the Norway rat. Both rats are considered medium in size, weighing 9 to 12 ounces and approximately 10 inches in length with naked or scaly tails. Their coat color can range from black, brown, grey or mixes of all 3. Both rats have small ears and blunt noses. Rats can become sexually reproductive within 5 weeks of birth. Pregnancy lasts approximately 21 days and each litter can yield 7-14 babies.

Black or Roof Rats prefer to nest in higher sections of building, walls voids, trees, etc. Excellent climbers.

Brown rats or Norway rats prefer to nest closer to the ground or water areas.

Rats in general are omnivores and considered “commensal” which means they live along side of humans and they benefit from our waste. Rats and their fleas were the primary carriers of the bubonic plague which wiped out as much as one third of the human population in all of Europe (estimated at more than 40 million people). The bubonic plague still exists today. There were 9 documented cases in the US in 2015.

Rats are highly intelligent and several different methods will often be used on conjunction to solve an infestation. Openings larger than a quarter should be sealed with chew-proof materials. Bagging trash and placing inside enclosed containers is paramount to restricting their food sources. Trapping can be tricky since rats are very cautious about new objects in their home ranges but can be highly effective if done properly. Baiting can also be successful if introduced slowly and correctly.

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